Welcome to
Fayetteville Animal Hospital
Fayetteville Animal Hospital in Fayetteville, GA is a full service companion animal hospital. It is our commitment to provide quality veterinary care throughout the life of your pet. Our services and facilities are designed to assist in routine preventive care for young, healthy pets; early detection and treatment of disease as your pet ages; and complete medical and surgical care as necessary during his or her lifetime.
Office Hours and Locations
765 Bradley Drive - Fayetteville, GA
Phone: 770-461-4211
Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM **
Sunday: CLOSED
** Saturdays we are only open for boarding drop off and pick-ups and prescription pick-ups. No doctor will be in the office.
Doctor's hours during the week are 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Drop off appointments are welcomed throughout the day if you cannot find time during doctor's hours to bring your pet.